
A wide selection of business and legal forms can be found on the internet. For a start up business trying to control costs, these “do-it-yourself” legal documents can be very tempting. However, not all of them are well drafted, nor do all of them conform with Maryland law. When it comes to writing and interpreting business contracts, there is a big difference between what you can do on your own and what you should do on your own. 

As a Maryland business attorney, I am here to provide contract-drafting services for your business and assist you with understanding the agreements you receive before making big decisions about your investment.

legal document advice

Understanding Your Legal Contracts

Many business contracts require legal expertise to understand all of the legal ramifications of the provisions, and such expertise is well worth the minimal expense. For example, the legal fees involved in reviewing or negotiating a lease can be less than one month’s lease payment, and can save you thousands of dollars over the life of the lease.

When presented with a contract or legal form to sign, you will want to make sure that you are making the right decision. I will review these documents and make sure that you understand all the legal ramifications of what you are considering.

Confidence in Hiring Employees

When you get ready to hire employees, as a lawyer that understands business law, I can design a written personnel policy that will protect you and your business. I will also work with you to create an employment agreement, with appropriate non-compete and confidentiality provisions, that will prevent misunderstandings in the future, and that will help ensure that a disgruntled employee does not damage the business.

Making Sense of it All with DK Rus Law

Ensuring you understand the legal terminology and fine print within the contracts and agreements necessary for your business can be overwhelming – especially when you have many other aspects of your business to manage. As an experienced business attorney, I can help you make sense of the contracts your business needs and provide legal advice for the matters you’re uncertain about. Contact DK Rus Law today to get the legal assistance your business deserves.

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